
Twelve Mile Review is a biannual print journal of contemporary poetry.

What are we looking for? Poetry that explores the overlaps and borderlines, the interstices, the eddies and turbulences of change, — personal, cultural, environmental. Strong, clear, diverse voices. Compelling imagery. Fresh language. Most importantly, the sense that we have just heard what we most needed to hear.

Founding Editor:

Robert Lee Kendrick is a high school English teacher and freelance editor in Clemson, SC. His poems have appeared in Birmingham Poetry Review, Valparaiso Poetry Review, Atlanta Review, Louisiana Literature, Tar River Poetry, Verse Daily, and elsewhere. His collections are What Once Burst With Brilliance (Iris Press, 2018), and Shape the Bent Straight (Main Street Rag, 2020). He earned a Ph.D. in English from the University of South Carolina, and was a Tennessee Williams Scholar in poetry at the Sewanee Writers’ Conference.


Adam Houle is the author of Stray (Lithic Press), a finalist for the Colorado Book Award. His poems have appeared in AGNI, Shenandoah, Baltimore Review, Verse Daily, and elsewhere. He earned his Ph.D. at Texas Tech University, and teaches at Francis Marion University in Florence, South Carolina.